JoCo Cruise Against Hodgman
Starting with a heaping helping of nostalgia for JCCC3, adding a smear from the greater JoCo Nerd Sphere, a cup of CAH, and a sprinkle of Apples to Apples, I am proud to announce JoCo Cruise Against Hodgman or a game in the key of CAH.
What's this about decks?
The deck contains 54 white cards and 18 black cards for a total of 72 cards of awesomeness! They were printed on high quality 310gsm linen cards (whatever that means). Based on the survey feedback, we printed 100 decks, each of the performers on JCCC4 got their own deck, the remainder were pre-sold before the cruise.
I am pleased to announce that the wonderful Marian Call has graciously contributed some amazing card ideas. If you haven’t checked out any of her music you should, she is very talented!
All of the decks from the first printing were claimed before the JCCC4 cruise... Due to popular demand, we printed a second run of this deck for JCC5 and JCC6 which were made available to those going on the cruise, but those as well have all been claimed.
Thanks for you interest in the JoCo Cruise Against Hodgman deck, we had a blast on JCCC4 (and JCC5 and JCC6). Thank you to all who got a deck and shared in our fun!
There have been some questions about what changes were made in the second printing. First, the deck is printed on slightly smaller cards, 63mm x 88mm, to better match the official Cards Against Humanity deck. We also be updated the box and cards to help differentiate them from the official deck (a little blue accent line). Lastly, we fixed some grammatical errors.
For those of you interested, this is the list of cards that we printed:
- Jonathan Coulton's sentient beard.
- Principal Sabourin.
- Drunk Storm.
- A Ball Pit.
- A cruise ship so large, it has its own river with a smaller cruise ship on it.
- A life-sized model of Nathan Sawaya made of LEGO® bricks.
- The Imaginary Ball Pit.
- A single, female Linux System Administrator.
- The Stepto Army.
- IKEA’s new cheap yet fashionable line of computer desks, named “Cōltůn”.
- Sister Maria Teresa Garcia Graziela Aguilera Delgado Francisco Diego Arroyo Inigo Montoya Zapata Paquito El Guapo Abuelita de la “Boom Boom” Mendoza.
- Sister Mary Catherine “The Habit Breaker” Inviolata.
- The Sarlaac.
- Sluice box mucking.
- The guy who yelled “Free Bird!”
- The long-lost love note from Stephen Fry to Molly Lewis.
- Being a motherfucking ball pit.
- Sex Party!
- #VandalEyes
- A dented ping pong ball named Silas.
- High Justice of the Seas Judge John Hodgman.
- Mike Phirman's birthday.
- Mr. Suckface.
- The Paul F. Tompkins Memorial Moustache Formal and Fezstravaganza.
- The Carnival Triumph.
- Taking posed pictures with the stuffed tiger that you later regret.
- The fanciest of fancy pants.
- A guitar broken by George R. R. Martin.
- Chicken Monkey Duck.
- A poorly executed KKK joke.
- Sea Monkeys baking in the sun.
- The cremated ashes of Marian Call's cat in a tin.
- A homemade fez.
- Fake Geek Girls.
- Half-price blood diamonds.
- Sadness pie.
- Sitting in a theater making fun of a movie.
- A blind and deaf cat.
- Dr. Smallpenis.
- Advanced Drinking and Drawing.
- Stabbing someone in the neck with an artisanally-sharpened pencil.
- Creepy melon faces.
- Fake moustaches.
- John Roderick's plane accident.
- The Snorks.
- A ukulele melee.
- ASCII Dicks.
- Wil Wheaton attempting to pilot the cruise ship.
- Cozy pants.
- A bigger, blacker ball pit.
- The ball pit after a week of use by drunken nerds.
- Getting seasick in the ball pit.
- Hooking up in the ball pit.
- Stifling a giggle each time someone says “ball pit.”
- _________________ beat Paul and Storm in Song Fu.
- ____________ is my _________________ cover band.
- It’s the first of May, first of May. _________________ starts today.
- _________________ is my Nemesis.
- I quit my programming job to become ________________.
- After the JoCo Cruise Crazy, RCI instituted a new policy banning ________________.
- I made this half-_____________, half-_____________ monster to please you.
- On tonight's episode, Glee will be performing _________________ without attribution.
- The most expensive all-inclusive island day tour: _________________ Experience.
- When Hodgman took over the ship, the first thing he banned was ________________.
- I knew I was marked for death when I found a towel sculpture shaped like _____________.
- Surprisingly, the most frequently ordered room service item in the ball pit was ________________.
- The Doubleclicks’ new album: Lasers and ________________.
- The game room is closed for decontamination because of an incident involving _____________ and ________________.
- I like ____________ and I cannot lie.
- This year, the Carnival Triumph was stranded at sea thanks to ________.
- In today's morning announcements we learned about ________________.
- Would you like to participate in the _________________ temperance brigade?
The cards are copyright Hyper Entertainment - 
The JoCo Cruise Against Hodgman decks are in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Cards Against Humanity, Jonathan Coulton, John Hodgman, Apples to Apples, or any of the people mentioned on the cards.
Cards Against Humanity is a trademark of Cards Against Humanity LLC.
Apples to Apples is a registered trademark of Mattel, Inc.